MOTORSPORT: Rally king Bertie Fisher remembered in new book

Members of the Fisher family alongside members of the Armagh Tigers Charitable TrustMembers of the Fisher family alongside members of the Armagh Tigers Charitable Trust
Members of the Fisher family alongside members of the Armagh Tigers Charitable Trust
Over six hundred friends, fans and family members of the late Bertie Fisher congregated in Armagh City Hotel for the launch of a brand new book entitled '˜King Fisher', dedicated to the Rallying career of one of Ireland's motorsport legends '“ Bertie Fisher.

The book details a collection of memories from throughout the distinguished career of the Fermanagh native, and was launched to a memorable reception which included Bertie’s rally navigators and colleagues alongside the wonderful Billy Coleman and Kris Meeke who were also in attendance. The landmark launch event showcased hundreds of images of the driver’s thirty years behind the wheel, and, significantly, featured a selection of the sport star’s legendary Rally cars, which helped Bertie win many of his illustrious titles.

The book has been created by the ‘Armagh Tigers Charitable Trust’ in collaboration with the Fisher family and was authored by Tigers committee member Fergus McAnallen (who is also a keen rally enthusiast and photographer). The 320+ page book encompasses hundreds of images of Bertie in action, showcasing the Irish rallying legend’s wonderful career.

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‘King Fisher’ chronicles Bertie’s well-documented success on Ireland’s rally stages and beyond, in addition to his charity work and the impact he had on the business community throughout Britain and Ireland with his family company, Fisher Engineering Ltd.

A four time Irish tarmac champion, Bertie, was best known for his twenty international victories and was a three-time winner of the Circuit of Ireland rally, as well as a record breaking six times winner at the Rally of the Lakes in Killarney and four times winner of the Ulster Rally.

Kieran McAnallen, Chairman of the Armagh Tigers Committee and a long-time friend of Bertie said;

“As a long-time friend of Bertie, it is a proud moment to see all of the work which went into the book come to fruition. We are delighted to be able to honour our great friend, companion and colleague in such a momentous way, and the feedback from the launch has been very positive. It is very special to have leading Irish rally stars join in our celebrations for the life of this wonderful man, alongside his son Mark and daughter Emma.

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Fergus McAnnallen, who compiled the book, spoke of his excitement in relation to the book launch:

“The response to the event has been incredible, and highlights just how well thought of and respected Bertie was as a person and sports star.

I was a huge fan of the sport of rallying, so I feel very fortunate to have been able to play a part in this emotional homage to his life and career.

The launch event has been a very memorable night and a great way for us to celebrate a genuine world renowned sports star.”

You can buy the King Fisher book at the dedicated website

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