Road racer Kevin Baker reveals extent of injuries following serious crash at Enniskillen in June

Kevin Baker in action at the Enniskillen Road Races in June.Kevin Baker in action at the Enniskillen Road Races in June.
Kevin Baker in action at the Enniskillen Road Races in June.
County Clare racer Kevin Baker has revealed the extent of his injuries following a serious crash at the Enniskillen Road Races in June.

The 22-year-old, from Miltown Malbay, was competing in the Senior Support race when he came off at the Arney course in Fermanagh.

He was transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital, where his condition was initially described as critical.

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A few months on, Baker is thankfully back on his feet and the young road racer says he is ‘not doing too bad’.

In an update on his Facebook page, he said: “Just a quick update (since) my crash at Enniskillen. As most of you know I had a crash on the Saturday in the Senior Support race. I was put into an induced coma on the side of the road and I was airlifted to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.

“I had a few operations there which included two plates in my right forearm, a plate in my left ankle and I had my left knee reconstructed as I had damaged three out of the four ligaments in my knee.

“A big thank you to all of the medical team and officials that worked on me on the road and in the air and everyone in the Royal Victoria.

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“To all my family and friends for dealing with the situation (and) everyone that came to visit me in Belfast and at home it’s really appreciated!

“As of now I’m not doing too bad at all everything seems to be going as planned.

“Sorry to Rodney Shaw and all of the officials for the three-hour delay (at Enniskillen after the crash). I’m going to take the winter to figure out what my plan is for 2020 and I’ll go from there. Thanks again to everyone.”