How would a four-tier traffic light travel system work?

The UK government is considering a four-tier traffic light travel system (Getty Images)The UK government is considering a four-tier traffic light travel system (Getty Images)
The UK government is considering a four-tier traffic light travel system (Getty Images)

The government is mulling over the introduction of a traffic light system for travel with countries labelled green, yellow, amber and red.

Countries will be labelled depending on Covid case numbers and the system is seen as a substitute for the often chaotic travel corridors utilised in 2020.

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Professor Andrew Hayward of the University College of London suggested the idea during an interview with Radio 4’s Today Programme, saying that countries struggling with new variants could be designated as no-go areas or ‘red’ countries.

And the system is now one of several being considered by the Global Travel Taskforce as a tool for unlocking international travel this summer.

Here's how such a system would work.

How would a traffic light system work? 

The system would allocate countries a colour depending on if they were safe to visit for a holiday during summer.

According to The Telegraph, no travel restrictions would be attached to green countries.

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Those returning from yellow listed countries, however, would be required to present proof of  testing and/or vaccination before entering the UK but would not be required to quarantine.