We should rejoice at the hundreds of people who are no longer dying on Northern Ireland's roads each year

A car crash simulation at Belfast City Hall in October 2018, to drive home the road safety message to young people. Picture PacemakerA car crash simulation at Belfast City Hall in October 2018, to drive home the road safety message to young people. Picture Pacemaker
A car crash simulation at Belfast City Hall in October 2018, to drive home the road safety message to young people. Picture Pacemaker
Northern Ireland's road death toll last year, 55, is joint second lowest ever.

But families who lost a loved one in a 2018 crash were cast into a living hell.

Out of respect for them, there is understandable reluctance to trumpet the overall fall in deaths.

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But 1970s fatality rates, applied to 2018 traffic levels (which are more than twice as high as back then), would have seen at least 700 dead on Northern Ireland’s roads last year.

We should rejoice at the 650+ saved lives.

• Ben Lowry (@BenLowry2) is News Letter deputy editor