Historians will today mark the centenary of Northern Ireland by examining its past

The free historical discussion, sponsored by the Northern Ireland Office,  will be live streamed from the Ulster Museum at 1pm. Photo PacemakerThe free historical discussion, sponsored by the Northern Ireland Office,  will be live streamed from the Ulster Museum at 1pm. Photo Pacemaker
The free historical discussion, sponsored by the Northern Ireland Office, will be live streamed from the Ulster Museum at 1pm. Photo Pacemaker
A panel will examine the history of Northern Ireland today.

The free discussion, sponsored by the Northern Ireland Office and chaired by Tara Mills (BBC), will “explore key events around 1921 in Northern Ireland and the subsequent ramifications for people across these islands,” say the organisers.

The ‘Conversation on a Centenary with the Historical Advisory Panel’ will be live streamed from 1pm–2.30pm (see link below).

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The talk, involving a number of historians brought together to advise the government on the centenary, will take place live from the Ulster Museum.

Northern Ireland Centenary RoseNorthern Ireland Centenary Rose
Northern Ireland Centenary Rose

The panellists, drawn from diverse backgrounds, were engaged last August by the Secretary of State to ensure the historical facts of Northern Ireland’s Centenary are understood in their fullest context.

While panellists may disagree on aspects of Northern Ireland’s history, it was felt by organisers that those chosen shared a common responsibility to present a thorough, holistic picture of the state’s often past to aid understanding of those who lived through the tumultuous evens of a century ago.

The panel will discuss the early years of the region’s history, from the foundation of labour and rise of trade unionism to the campaign for suffrage — particularly the enfranchisement of women.

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The discussion is one of a number of events planned by the UK government to mark 100 years since Northern Ireland was created on May 3 1921.

The plans include a major business showcase in London, a £1m Shared History Fund, a futuristic programme for young people, tree-planting projects, academic and historic events and an international church service for all denominations.

A total of £1m has been awarded to 39 community projects to research and demonstrate what 100 years of Northern Ireland has meant to them and their community.

Belfast City Council will host an event at the City Hall marking the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Northern Ireland Parliament in the building on June 22 1921 by King George V.

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Every school will be presented with a native tree to plant in their grounds while an extensive young people’s programme will explore what the future will look like in the next 100 years.

The Centenary Rose, a flower the government said would represent reflection and hope, will be produced in Northern Ireland and planted in the gardens of the royal residence at Hillsborough Castle in Co Down.

A Centenary Rose will also be presented to the Queen for her own garden and there will be a decorative rose pin designed and produced in the UK, to be worn by VIPs at centenary events and given to programme participants.

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