Bye-bye Yorkgate: Station is go for demolition

The new proposed stationThe new proposed station
The new proposed station
Yorkgate train station – one of the big three railway stations in Belfast – is set to be completely torn down, councillors have decided.

As the News Letter had already reported, Translink wanted to demolish and rebuild the north Belfast station in a massive project which would involve removing much of he hill upon which it stands.

In its place, a more modern station with an additional floor is intended to be built.

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Belfast City Council’s planning committee gave the plan the green light on Wednesday night.

Alliance councillor Eric Hanvey, one of the committee members, said the support for the move had been overwhelming among councillors.

“I think it’s badly needed,” he told the News Letter.

“The existing one is something of an eyesore, and not terribly accessible to people.”

It is not clear exactly when Translink will start work, or what the plans are for keeping the station going throughout the process.

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IN PICTURES: Plan to raze one of Belfast’s main train stations to the ground

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