Three thousand tonnes of rubble closes Gobbins path

The entrance to the Gobbin's cliff path at Wise's EyeThe entrance to the Gobbin's cliff path at Wise's Eye
The entrance to the Gobbin's cliff path at Wise's Eye
Mid and East Antrim Council has been left with a £50,000 repair bill after 3,000 tonnes of rubble damaged its flagship tourist attraction.

The Larne Times understands that heavy rain and high winds whipped up by Storm Frank last month resulted in a landslide at the £7.5m Gobbins cliff path, with soil, stones and other material washed away in the deluge.

The Islandmagee attraction, which opened to huge fanfare just five months ago, has been closed to the public since the end of December due to fears over health and safety.

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The major slippage, which took place at the access path leading down to the Gobbins entrance at Wise’s Eye, has also impacted the long-standing war memorial at the site.

Meanwhile, it is understood that the storm also caused some minor damage to the main pathway itself, including one of the steel bridges.

The attraction will remain closed until repairs have been carried out.