Suspension lifted: Councillor '˜happy to be back' serving her constituents

Cllr Jolene Bunting. Pic by Niall Carson/PA WireCllr Jolene Bunting. Pic by Niall Carson/PA Wire
Cllr Jolene Bunting. Pic by Niall Carson/PA Wire
Belfast city councillor Jolene Bunting has said she's 'glad to be back to full duties' after an interim suspension imposed upon her in September was lifted.

The independent councillor, who formerly represented the TUV, was suspended for four months while an investigation is carried out by the Local Government Commissioner for Standards into complaints about comments she made about Islam, her association with far right group Britain First and a controversial meme she shared on social media.

Cllr Bunting challenged the suspension, and a High Court hearing into the matter is due to take place next month.

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On Wednesday it was revealed that due to a delay in the hearing, the Commissioner had decided to lift the interim suspension, meaning Cllr Bunting has been able to return to full council duties.

Claiming that the suspension “wasn’t warranted in the first place”, the Greater Shankill representative said: “I am happy about it and happy to be back serving my constituents and back to full duties.”

She added: “I had been doing bits and pieces anyway, what I could during my suspension, but I’m glad to be back to full duties.”

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