Suspended sentence for man who glassed ex-Irish League footballer

Ex-Crusaders midfielder Barry MolloyEx-Crusaders midfielder Barry Molloy
Ex-Crusaders midfielder Barry Molloy
A man who glassed a former Crusaders and Derry City midfielder in a city centre bar has received a suspended sentence.

Martin Cheung struck former footballer Barry Molloy a ‘single blow’ while he had a glass in his hand.

Mr Molloy sustained two lacerations which required a total of eight stitches. He had to have glass removed from the lacerations.

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Cheung, of Ardban, Muff, County Donegal, pleaded guilty to one charge of wounding on May 28, last year.

Barry MolloyBarry Molloy
Barry Molloy

It was accepted by the prosecution the assault was not pre-meditated, that it happened in a ‘split second’ and Cheung didn’t even realise he had the glass in his hand when he struck Mr Molloy.

Londonderry Crown Court heard Mr Molloy was having an affair with Cheung’s estranged wife at the time, and is still in a relationship with her.

Mr. Molloy had told the prosecution he did not believe Cheung meant to injure him to the extent which he had, nor did he want Cheung to be sent to jail.

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Passing sentence, Judge Elizabeth McCaffrey said that while the injury was ‘clearly very uncomfortable and painful’ for Mr Molloy it was ‘not the most serious’ injury in the context’s of the charge.

She accepted that Cheung’s action was ‘spontaneous’ and he had shown considerable remorse for his behaviour.

The judge added: “I don’t wish to minimise your offending. It was a serious assault and a completely unacceptable way to behave.”

She said the background to the case was ‘very particular and highly unusual’ and suspended a six month sentence for two years.

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