Poll backing Union '˜little comfort' for Sinn Fein

The ICM poll found that 61% in NI are in favour of the UK staying in the EU single market and customs unionThe ICM poll found that 61% in NI are in favour of the UK staying in the EU single market and customs union
The ICM poll found that 61% in NI are in favour of the UK staying in the EU single market and customs union
A new opinion poll which showed strong support for the Union among people in Northern Ireland will provide 'little comfort' for republicans, a DUP MP has said.

Sammy Wilson added that the result would bolster his party’s opposition to barriers to trade between NI and both the Republic of Ireland and GB.

Meanwhile, UUP MLA Doug Beattie said the latest figures represent an “ideal opportunity” for unionists to reach out to those people in the Province who view themselves as solely Irish.

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It comes after two separate polls found no evidence that Brexit has yet caused a radical shift in public opinion which would make a referendum on a united Ireland winnable.

A poll commissioned by academics at Queen’s University Belfast found that just 21.1% of people in NI would vote for Irish unity after Brexit.

And a separate ICM poll, commissioned by think tank Policy Exchange, found that a clear majority of people across the UK are in favour of the Union in its current form.

DUP Brexit spokesperson Mr Wilson said: “Not even Gerry Adams could spin this poll as a good result for Sinn Fein.

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“Only 24% would support Sinn Fein’s special status scheme of moving the border to the Irish Sea as we exit the EU.

“In contrast, there is clear support for the DUP’s position that we should not cut ourselves off from our nearest neighbours in the Irish Republic, or have a border down the Irish Sea.”

However, the ICM poll also found that some 61% of the population are in favour of the UK as a whole remaining in the customs union and single market – an issue which remains a red line for the DUP, who are propping up Theresa May’s minority government.

Mr Wilson accused the authors of the ICM poll of using “leading questions and pejorative language” in the survey.

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He added: “The poll paints the alternative to the single market and customs union as army check-points, 30-minute queues at the border and passport checks. Faced with such a black and white choice and one blood-curdling scenario it is little wonder people would opt for the outcome which seems best.”

UUP MLA Mr Beattie told the News Letter that the results of the polls was “not a cause for unionist triumphalism”.

He added: “There are 29% who are undecided, so there is an ideal opportunity to reach out to those who view themselves purely as Irish.”

Meanwhile, Alliance’s Brexit spokesperson Stephen Farry said new surveys show the opportunity to “devise a set of special arrangements to achieve a cross-community consensus” around Brexit.

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He added: “It is clear there is strong support across the community for Northern Ireland remaining within both the customs union and single market.”

Sinn Fein’s Mairtin O Muilleoir said: “The ground is shifting in the north, not only among nationalists but in the unionist community too.

“Even the prime minister knows there is growing support for Irish unity and civic unionists are engaging with Irish officials about the form and shape of a new Ireland.”

Last week, the PM reportedly told Tory MPs she was not confident a border poll would definitely be won by unionism.