Tributes paid to Ulster Unionist ‘stalwart’ Eddie Keown

Eddie Keown has been described him as a 'true gentleman'Eddie Keown has been described him as a 'true gentleman'
Eddie Keown has been described him as a 'true gentleman'
The Ulster Unionist Party has paid tribute to Eddie Keown, described as one of the party’s stalwarts in Co Down, who has sadly passed away.

Party leader Doug Beattie said: “On behalf of the Ulster Unionist Party I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the family of Eddie Keown. Eddie has been described as the archetypal Ulster Unionist.

“He went about his business quietly and efficiently and was a stalwart of the party in South Down in particular, but his influence was felt much further afield in his role as a party officer.

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“He was a calming influence who sought to bring people together and was highly regarded.

“He will be greatly missed and my sympathy and that of the party, goes out to his wife Edith, the family circle and his many friends.”

South Down Ulster Unionist councillor Jill Macauley also paid tribute to Mr Keown.

“His attention to detail and true dedication to everything he was involved in, was testament to the genuine and respectful person he was, and the high regard that he was held in within the farming community of South Down, the Loyal Orders, his Church family and the wider community of Mourne,” she said.

She described him as a “true gentleman”.

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