Outspoken critic of government’s Covid response Dr Anne McCloskey receives interim suspension

Dr Anne McCloskeyDr Anne McCloskey
Dr Anne McCloskey
An outspoken critic of the government’s anti-Covid measures, Dr Anne McCloskey, has been suspended from practicing medicine in the UK.

It follows an hearing on September 21 at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS).

In a statement, the General Medical Council (GMC) has said: “The tribunal directed an 18 month interim suspension, but all such restrictions are kept under regular review while a full investigation is carried out.

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Doctors are unable to practise medicine in the UK while interim suspended.”

The way the system works is essentially that the GMC will present a case against a particular doctor to the MPTS.

In turn, it makes a ruling via something called an Interim Orders Tribunal.

This tribunal does not make “findings of fact about the allegations and will not decide whether your fitness to practise is impaired”.

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Instead, it simply assesses whether someone’s ability to practice should be curbed while the GMC carries out a fuller investigation.

In late August she had already been suspended from practicing by Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Board.

Dr McCloskey has decades of medical experience, and during 2020 she came out of retirement to help during the Covid crisis, by working out-of-hours GP shifts.

She has become an increasingly outspoken critic of what she views as Covid alarmism.

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She had expressed concerns about young people being given the vaccine in particular, saying: “Leave the children alone. They have nothing to gain and much to lose from these experimental gene treatments.

“We adults have a solemn duty to protect them.”

She had also shared ‘Infowars’ videos about a “New World Order”, and posted a photograph comparing what appeared to be a queue of people awaiting vaccines in modern-day Ireland to prisoners under fascist control in Auschwitz.

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