Martin accepts protocol causing ‘genuine concern’

Taoiseach Micheal MartinTaoiseach Micheal Martin
Taoiseach Micheal Martin
The Irish prime minister held talks with Stormont’s political leaders yesterday on a number of issues, including the Northern Ireland Protocol.

His visit came on the back of an announcement by European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic on Thursday that the EU was preparing to table “far reaching proposals” aimed at reducing the Irish Sea trade friction.

Mr Martin said he accepted problems with the “practical” operation of the protocol were issues of “genuine concern” to people in Northern Ireland.

“They do need resolution,” he told reporters.

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“Maros Sefcovic has been really applying himself to this issue.

“I am in no doubt that the European Union is in solution mode and will be coming forward with proposals in relation to this issue.

“The United Kingdom government are signalling that they’re solution-focused as well.

“So, there is a window of opportunity over the next six weeks to two months to try and get these issues resolved to the mutual satisfaction of all, so that we can make the protocol work operationally for the benefit of the people of Northern Ireland.

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“I have a view that, given my dealings with Maros Sefcovic and my engagement with the European Commission, my engagement with the British government for the last number of weeks, that there’s a view that people are in solution-mode here, people want to get a solution to this, including the political parties in Northern Ireland.

“So, whenever people are in that mode of thinking, I think one can be hopeful, but I wouldn’t underestimate the challenges.

“I do believe the United Kingdom government and the European Union have to get down to really serious discussions on the proposals that will emerge shortly.”

The Taoiseach said the EU Commission has been engaging “constructively” with the UK government on what could be done to limit the impact of the protocol in NI.