Good Friday Agreement under ‘huge pressure’ says shadow NI secretary

Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter KyleShadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Kyle
Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Kyle
Shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle has said the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland is under “huge pressure”.

Mr Kyle told Sky’s Trevor Phillips On Sunday: “We have a Prime Minister goes to Northern Ireland, makes an absolute solemn promise there will be no border down the Irish Sea and has no intention of honouring that promise, and in fact breaks it straightaway.

“This has put a division right down Northern Ireland at a time when politics is already fragile.

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“The Good Friday Agreement is under huge pressure at the moment because we have a Government that doesn’t represent all of Northern Ireland, it only represents part of the politics of Northern Ireland.

“We have a Northern Ireland Secretary who doesn’t really engage across all of the communities in Northern Ireland.

“I am afraid this is a Government who has played fast and loose with the Good Friday Agreement and all of the measures which have delivered peace, stability and economic growth in Northern Ireland and that is a real worry.”

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