DUP MLA Keith Buchanan expects no action over Sinn Fein funeral that flouted lockdown rules

The funeral procession of Francie McNally – the first of a number of republican send-offs which attracted criticism due to the lockdownThe funeral procession of Francie McNally – the first of a number of republican send-offs which attracted criticism due to the lockdown
The funeral procession of Francie McNally – the first of a number of republican send-offs which attracted criticism due to the lockdown
After no visible police action over “blatant” flouting of lockdown rules by republican mourners almost six months ago, a unionist MLA has said they expect police to turn a blind eye for political reasons.

Keith Buchanan of the DUP made the remarks as the PSNI said its inquiries into the funeral of Francie McNally on April 8 are still ongoing, and no file has been sent to prosecutors yet.

Mr McNally had formerly been a Sinn Fein councillor, and his funeral involved a large crowd gathering and a horse-drawn carriage carrying the coffin in Ballinderry, in east Tyrone.

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Images of the gathering surfaced soon after, prompting anger from some who pointed out that many other grieving people had closely obeyed the lockdown rules and buried their loved ones without fanfare or many mourners.

Keith BuchananKeith Buchanan
Keith Buchanan

It was the first of a number of large-scale gatherings to hit the headlines during the lockdown.

It was followed by at least another two republican send-offs elsewhere in the Province on April 16 and May 5 – and ultimately the funeral of IRA man Bobby Storey on June 30.

The PSNI had said at the time of the McNally funeral that “some people blatantly ignored health advice and breached current legislation by attending the funeral”.

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The coronavirus regulations at the time stipulated that one of the valid reasons for leaving the house was to take part in a funeral – but they said only fellow householders of the deceased or immediate family should go.

Only 10 people were meant to be present, and the priest who conducted the funeral told the News Letter that “as regards the actual burial, there were 10 family members present at the graveyard – what went on elsewhere, I don’t know”.

Mr Buchanan, the sole unionist representing Mid Ulster in the Assembly, told the News Letter yesterday: “I’ve been pressing police since that funeral.

“It’s not about whose the funeral was, that’s irrelevant – it’s the signal it sent out.

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“I used to sit on the Policing Board. There’s a perception in some communities the police aren’t going to do anything anyway.

“Several people contacted me about that one, local people who saw the numbers and rang me to say there’s a serious amount of people down here.

“But they don’t want to come forward.

“They say there’s no point in going to the police – they are going to do nothing anyway.

“I’d say it is a belief in or an understanding that it’s republicans, it’s not going to be touched. Don’t upset the applecart.

“I’ve pressed it – they didn’t need a pile of statements.

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“There’s enough evidential stuff to say: Yep, social distancing wasn’t adhered to.

“Basically, I don’t see it going anywhere.

“There’ll be a file will go to the PPS. The file will not be that strong ...

“I’ll be honest: I don’t have any faith in it myself going anywhere.

“Depending who you are, it depends what happens.”

The News Letter contacted the police, and its response was: “We do not comment on live investigations and no inference should be drawn from this.”


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