Communist Party: Brexit was not backed by majority of NI voters

A majority of the NI electorate either voted to leave the EU or did not voteA majority of the NI electorate either voted to leave the EU or did not vote
A majority of the NI electorate either voted to leave the EU or did not vote
The Communist Party of Ireland welcomed the statement by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn when he made his views clear on the European Union.

Speaking at the United Nation’s Geneva headquarters he said: “My party stands for a completely different future when we leave the EU, drawing on the best internationalist traditions of the labour movement.

“We want to see close and cooperative relationships with our European neighbours, outside the EU, based on solidarity as well as mutual benefit and fair trade, along with a wider proactive internationalism across the globe.”

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In contrast to a class approach an open letter in the Irish News on Monday December 20 signed by about 200 people again made the inaccurate claim that a majority of the electorate voted to remain in the EU, in their call to the Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to “protect the rights of all citizens in the North of Ireland”.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

The Communist Party of Ireland challenges the signatories to the letter and Sinn Fein (who also takes this line) by asking them the following questions:

Where is the evidence that the British government or any significant player in either Britain or Ireland wants to change current Irish border arrangements?

It is the EU who are insisting on a “hard border”.

They say: “the majority of people in Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU”

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Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

This is incorrect. The total electorate in Northern Ireland is 1,260,988: Leave voters: 44.2%, 349,442: Remain voters: 55.8%, 440,707. Those who did not vote 471,091.

The majority of the electorate, a total of 820,533 people either voted to leave the EU or did not vote.

The signatories appealed to the Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, regarding equality and human rights, do they support his threat to ban strikes, and will they ask the Irish government to introduce laws that allows a woman the right to choose to have an abortion?

Sinn Fein’s demand to remain in the single market and the customs union places them in support of the neo-liberal capitalist economics that has pushed through privatisation, zero hours contracts, attacks on trade union rights and austerity throughout the EU.

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Equally Sinn Fein’s call to maintain the European Court of Justice ignores its anti-trade union judgments

The class politics of the signatories are varied, some having radical and progressive backgrounds, but the letter itself could be seen as being a narrow nationalist agenda.

For those who are trying to exploit Brexit to push for a united Ireland (which Gerry Adams denies) the CPI monthly journal Socialist Voice reminds readers, the core tenets of socialism and republicanism are independence, sovereignty and democracy.

We point out that Ireland “cannot be a sovereign country under any imperialist apparatus,” whether dominated by Britain, the EU or the US.

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“In the context of Brexit, to campaign for a united Ireland under the pretext of the six counties rejoining the EU shows the lack of ideological opposition to imperialism.”

Lynda Walker, National Chairperson Communist Party of Ireland, Belfast BT15