Anne Graham's story encapsulates legacy imbalance scandal

Morning ViewMorning View
Morning View
At a presentation in July in Westminster on the legacy imbalance scandal, the lawyer Neil Faris said: '˜It is hard to know where to begin'.

Mr Faris, who wrote an alarming essay for our series on the scandal (which can be found in the link below), was referring to his multiple concerns about potential coming injustices, such as to ex RUC officers, arising from investigations into the past.

Similarly, reading Anne Graham’s essay today in our series, about the heinous 1983 IRA murder of her lawyer brother Edgar at the edge of Queen’s University, it is hard to know where to begin to respond to such testimony.

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That a republican movement that carried out so many such atrocities has turned the narrative of the Troubles against the security forces, who with moderation and patience worked to thwart them, and that former terrorists now feel emboldened to demand accountability of others while shamelessly concealing the true story of the IRA, is one of the great moral failures of the day.

Huge resources are being spent investigating state killings such as Bloody Sunday, but the Graham family got a disappointing HET investigation that went nowhere.

This cannot — must not — be how legacy proceeds in NI.

Finally people are speaking up about such outrages. There is now a section on our website (see below) where all the essays in our legacy series can be viewed.

The series continues until after the October 5 end to the legacy consultation, with some of our key essays yet to come.

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