Residents to party in gardens like it’s 1945

VE celebration.VE celebration.
VE celebration.
‘Stay at home parties’ are being encouraged as Mid and East Antrim prepares to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day this bank holiday weekend.

With the coronavirus emergency putting paid to the programme of events originally planned, the borough is joining the UK-wide Virtual #VEDay75 celebrations.

In a statement, the local authority revealed what’s in store for residents: “We have lined up a programme of online activities for our community to join in with on VE Day, from 10.30am on Friday, 8 May, concluding in a rousing singalong rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s iconic ‘We’ll Meet Again’ at 9pm, before Her Majesty The Queen’s Address to the Nation.

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Council will also be supporting the national ‘Ringing out for Peace’ event and are asking all our local churches to get in touch if they would like to take part in this historic moment.

“The programme of activities also features a special online tribute to the recipients of our Silver Poppies, a specially commissioned commemorative gift to surviving World War Two veterans within our borough. We are hoping as many people in our community will join in the wartime spirit and decorate their homes – and themselves – in 1945 Garden Party style, all while following the public health rules on social distancing of course.”

For the full programme of #VEDay75MEA Virtual Celebrations, visit

Meanwhile, Antrim and Newtownabbey Council is hosting a ‘Shared Moment of Celebration and Tribute to The Millions’ to mark the anniversary.

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The Mayor, Alderman John Smyth, said: “I would like to lead our borough on May 8 in celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe when nations all over Europe rejoiced at the arrival of peace and the end of the Second World War.

“The sacrifice in terms of lives of our fellow citizens before this date was huge and it is only right that today we recognise their sacrifice and remember them on this 75th anniversary.”

Full details of the special online programme to mark VE Day 75 at


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