Reported 280 Years Ago (June 9 2019): Peers wait on the king with regard to the killer peer Lord Santry

The Belfast News Letter of May 29 1739 (June 9 in the modern calendar):The Belfast News Letter of May 29 1739 (June 9 in the modern calendar):
The Belfast News Letter of May 29 1739 (June 9 in the modern calendar):
From the News Letter of May 29 1739 (June 9 modern date):

DUBLIN, May 26.

The following peers went with Sir. Compton Domvill, Bart. to wait on his majesty, in behalf of the lord Santry, viz. the dukes of Devonshire, Dorset, Grafton, Chandos, Rutland, Argyle, St. Albans, Richmond, earls of Wilmington, Pomsret, Scarborough, Burlington, lord Harrington, and Sir Robert Walpole.

BELFAST. Private letters inform us, that his majesty has been graciously pleased to leave the affair of the right hon. the lord Santry entirely to the decision of the government of this kingdom, and it is generally believed he will be reprieved for some time. [The Irish peer Santry had carried out a drunken murder]

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In the ship which was lately dug up near Lurgan Green [Co Louth], there was forty pounds worth of half pence, which a gentleman had the curiosity to weigh in five pound parcels, and they were so exactly coined, and the copper so good, that there were not two ounces difference in any of the parcels. [The May 22 News Letter had reported that while digging in a strand a ship believed to be from 1692 had been found, with “casks of king William and queen Mary’s halfpence”, coined in Ireland]

THE remarkable SALT MARSHES, belonging to THOMAS POTTER of Ringhaddy, viz, the Green Island, and Island Duncey, and Part of Island More, near Killinshaw in the County of Downe, are to be LETT to Grazers this Season at 5s. for one Month, 9s. 4d. for two Months, and 12s. for three Months — The Money to be paid at taking away the Cattle.

The remarkable Salt MARSH, called Island-Pole, near Killinshaw in the County of Down is to be Letter out to Grazers, this season at two Shillings per Week each Horse, by Charles Dennison at Ringdufferin, the Money to be paid on taking Saway the Cattle.

N.B. A Horse will be full fat thereon in a Month or six Weeks.

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LONDON, May 19. On Thursday being the weekly meeting of the royal society in Crane Court, Mr. Bromfield, surgeon, presented to the society several extraordinary cases of diseased bodies: amongst which was one of a Foetus, that had gained a passage thro’ the womb, and lain nine years in the woman’s belly. [Royal Society was founded in 1660. Ulsterman Hans Sloane, a fellow, was still active in 1739, age 79]

Several young noblemen and gentlemen are preparing to go voluntiers on board his majesty’s ships, which in a few days will sail for their stations in Newfoundland.

We are informed that the annual produce of the customs will fall much shorter this yeer [sic] than that of the preceding, the merchants not caring to traffic when the situation of affairs are so precarious.

By a ship arrived from St. Kitt’s we have advice, that at the leeward islands there are great prospects of plentiful crops; and that at Backstair Island the yellow fever and small pox have carried off five hundred persons in two months, the former of which is much abated, the latter still rages all over the island.

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Her royal highness the princess Louisa is so well recovered, that the drumbeat every morning in St. James’s as usual.

A Russian frigat is arrived in the river, having on board several bales of very rich China tapestry hangings, &c. of considerable value, which the Czarina has sent as a present to his majesty.

Yesterday the joyful news arrived that the Rio de Janeiro fleet, consisting of two men of war, and nineteen merchant ships were safely arrived at Lisbon, having on board nineteen millions of cruzadoes, besides Diamonds, and other valuable Effects.

There is also advice, that Don Antonio, the king of Portugal’s brother, was so ill when the last ship came away, that his was dispair’d of.

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Some letters from Lisbon say, that a dispute is arisen betwixt the king of Portugal’s sectaries of State, and the foreign ministers; the former demanding of the latter to give them the title of Illustrissimo Excellentissimo, instead of plain Excellency, which they have been call’d by hitherto.

They write from Paris, that M. Rollin, the famous author of the ancient history of the Carthaginians, &c. and other curious and learned tracts, persists in his appeal against the pope’s constitutional unigenitus (which appeal was so lately revok’d by the university of Paris); and that he has resign’d the place of dean at that university.

They write from Rome that a fisherman lately caught a Sturgeon in the Tiber which was two hundred weight, and for which he as offer’d 180 crowns. [Equivalent in weight to about 100kg, or 15 stone]

On Tuesday about twenty peruke-makers of note were convicted at the excise office for using, and having in their custody, hair-powder not made of starch.

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A fire broke out lately in one of the lombard houses in Brussels, which burnt from four o’clock till nine, and destroy’d all the pledges in two of the chambers, but ‘tis said the commissaries have resolved to make them good to the Owners.

By letters from Gibraltar, dated April 18, we have advices, that the Tender belonging to admiral haddock, which had on board several gentlemen and sailors, going from Port-Mahon to Sardinia, was lost, or else made slaves of by the Barbary people, they not being heard of; and that the squadron was yet to continue in the Mediterranean for some time.

The Griffin of North Yarmouth, capt. Nichols bound from Sicily with wheat to Havre de Grace, having lost her Rudder in bad weather, stood for the islands of Scilly, where assistance came off, and brought her to an anchor; but a gale of wind springing up, and the ground being foul, her Cable parted, and she driving upon the rocks, was beat to pieces; but the crew was saved.

Yesterday came advice, that the Felton, capt. Trumple, bound for London from Norway, was lost on the Neas of Norway. The same day came advice, that the Trial, Capt. Dolin, bound from Jamaica to Boston, was lost near the former.

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We hear that in most of the provinces of France the winter corn is dead at root.

Lieutenant general Gore is not dead, but very ill, and the surgeons are afraid of a mortal canon in one of his legs.

They advise from Belgrade, of the 29th past, that the spies lately sent out, report, the Turks are marching with their main forces thro’ Modavia, for the Dniester, to make head against the Russians, whose penetrating into the Turkish territories, is judd’d would be of more fatal consequences to the Ottoman Empire, than even some advantages the Emperor may chance to get in the interim in Hundary, for which reason they give out, that they will only act on the defensive in those parts this summer, in well providing their strong parts this summer, in well providing their strong places with garrisons, provisions, and warlike stores. The continual rains do not a little retard the march of the imperial troops.

ITALY. Genoa, April 21. O.S.

The great expences of the war in Corsica have obliged the Republick to lay a duty upon wax and coals, at which the people murmur, and some of the most mutinous have fix’d up libels in several parts of the town with these words: Our fathers have sinned, and we hear their iniquities: revenge thy people O Lord.

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Leghorn, May 4. We have received advice, that the the [sic] convoy which sailed from Antibes is arrived at St. Fiorenzo in Corsica; that it consists of 75 sail of ships, which have on board six battalions, with a large quantity of provisions and warlike stores, and that they are speedily to be follow’d by eight battalions more, which are already embark’d at Antibes.