Reported 280 Years Ago (April 21 1739): Mass hangings of robbers

News Letter of April 10 1739 (April 21 modern calendar)News Letter of April 10 1739 (April 21 modern calendar)
News Letter of April 10 1739 (April 21 modern calendar)
From April 10 1739 News Letter (Apr 21 in modern date)

DUBLIN, April 7. Last Saturday seven Rogues were hanged at Killkenny, for committing several Robberies.Last Tuesday nine villains were executed at Carlow; so that it is hoped, the Kingdom will soon be rid of many Robbers. who have of late infested the Country.Bryan Hunt, who was one of the Ruffians concerned in the cruel Murder of Lieutenant Hume at Rosscrea, was tried and convicted of the same; and hath been executed according to his Sentence.

LONDON, March 31. By letters from York they write, that since the condemnation of Palmer, alias Turpin, at the Assizes there, he has confessed himself to be the notorious Turpin, so famous for many Robberies he committed round London, and the murder of the Man on Epping Forest.From the same place we hear, that the Day before he was convicted for Horse Stealing, an express arrived there from the Duke of Newcastle’s Office to the Recorder of that City, directing Turpin, if he was not convicted capitally upon the indictments preferr’d against him, should be kept with the greatest care in hold till further Orders from the Attorney General.BELFASTWHEREAS John Johnston of the Fews, on his apprehending James and William Erwin, two notorious Robbers, who formerly lived at Killimuris in the County of Antrim, had Information given him that the several following Goods, viz. a Pot, a Saddle, Bridle, and Girth, two Sheets, two Pair of Blankets, a Quilt, a Pair of Shoes, five Aprons, eight Women’s Caps, eight Men’s Stocks not made up, three Stocks made up, ten Shirts and Shifts, two Remnants of Woolen Cloth, one of them cut out for Breeches, six Horn Spoons, two Pair of Taylor’s Scissars, two old Wigs, a Smoothing-Iron, a Horse Shoe, a Wooden Noggin, a Wooden Dish, five Paif of old Stockings, two Men’s Coats and a Weastcoat, three Pair of Breeches, two Remnants of Linen Cloth, a blew Serge Pettycoat, the Warp of a Linen Web, an old chequer’d Apron, a new Camblet Cloak and Cap, a Pillowcase, three Bolsters two Linen Bags, two Sacks, two Clues of Woolken Yarn, were left by them at the House of Henry Mc.Clean in Dromore, he the said John Johnston, took and has the said Goods in his Custody.These are therefore to give Notice, that any Person who has a Right to said Goods or any Part of them, may have the same by applying or sending to the said John Johnston without any Expence.

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By Letters which arrived on Thursday last from Smyrna, we are informed, that several Jews of that Place had been lately detected and hang’d for supplying the famous Sarey-Bey-Oglou with Provisions, &c. and that the Sarey-Bey himself has been taken, and is now confined in a strong Castle, and it is not doubted but that the whole Body of those Rebels, which have struck such a Terror to the Inhabitants for some time past, will soon be routed, to the great Advantage and Satisfaction of all that trade to those Parts. [Smyrna was a Greek city in Turkey, now known as Izmir. Oglou was a rebel]

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