RBL and Orange tributes to Covid-19 couple – inseparable in life and death

William Finlay of Ardstraw 'Death or Glory' LOL 502William Finlay of Ardstraw 'Death or Glory' LOL 502
William Finlay of Ardstraw 'Death or Glory' LOL 502
The Royal British Legion (RBL) and the Orange Order have paid heartfelt tributes to a Co Tyrone couple who died within 24 hours of each other after contracting Covid-19.

Ex-UDR member William (Willy) Finlay, 84, and wife Madge, 82, were stalwarts of the community in Ardstraw and actively involved with the RBL until they fell ill in recent weeks.

Madge passed away at Altnagelvin hospital last Thursday and her husband died, also at Altnagelvin, the following day.

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They had been married for more than 50 years and have been described as “inseparable”.

Madge FinlayMadge Finlay
Madge Finlay

Margo Hetherington of Castlederg RBL said it could perhaps be classed as a small blessing in the circumstances that they “went together” as “either of them would have been lost without the other”.

She said: “We have been left heartbroken by this. Madge was very active in the Castlederg branch women’s section until they laid up their standards three years ago, while William held every post over the years and earned the two highest UK-wide awards – the Lifetime Member and the Gold Badge.

“Both were very well-known and well-respected throughout the community and William was awarded the MBE for his services to the community in Ardstraw.”

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Orange Order grand master Edward Stevenson is a member of the same Ardstraw Death or Glory LOL 502 as Mr Finlay and has known the couple for many years.

“It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of William Finlay MBE and his wife, Madge,” he said.

“William was a lifelong member of my lodge, and also the other Loyal Orders in Ardstraw. Like many members of our Institution, William served in the Ulster Defence Regiment with distinction through some very dark days for our country.

“Both he and Madge were true and benevolent friends to many in the local community, caring deeply for those around them.

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“I offer my sympathies to the family circle at this very sad time,” Mr Stevenson added.

The pair were buried together at Ardstraw New Cemetery on Saturday.

Speaking to the Impartial Reporter newspaper, the couple’s nephew Robin Finlay said a “silent killer” had robbed his family of “our loved ones”.

He said: “We don’t know where this Covid-19 came from or how it would end up in a wee place like Ardstraw, but we are shocked that they are gone.”

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“We are going about here in a daze; we don’t know what to do.”

Robin said he takes “some comfort” in the fact the couple died just hours apart.

“There was about 20 hours between them and while they went together I still can’t really understand it. It’s hard, it’s hard to work out why or what.

“One wouldn’t have lived without the other and we said that when Madge died. If William came out of it then it would have taken him too,” he added.

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