Prime Minister ‘lost in admiration’ for Co Down cancer fundraiser Maureen, 95

13/08/2020: Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets the Point of Light winner, Maureen Lightbody at Hillsborough Castle13/08/2020: Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets the Point of Light winner, Maureen Lightbody at Hillsborough Castle
13/08/2020: Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets the Point of Light winner, Maureen Lightbody at Hillsborough Castle
A 95-year-old former Wren from north Down, who was inspired to undertake a Captain Tom-style fundraiser, was congratulated in person by the prime minister today.

Maureen Lightbody, aged 95 and from Groomsport, served with the Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS) during World War II, and recently completed her goal of walking 95 miles to garner cash for cancer charity Macmillan (her husband died of cancer in 1987).

The News Letter has covered her story many times since she first unveiled her plan in April.

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She dedicated herself to walking a “Roman mile” (1,000 paces) each day before her 95th birthday in July.

She originally aimed for £1,000, but actually ended up collecting over £20,000 for her efforts – which were inspired by Captain (now Colonel) Tom Moore, who walked 100 laps of his garden ahead of his 100th birthday to raise money for the NHS.

She met Boris Johnson at Hillsborough Castle yesterday, ahead of receiving a ‘Points of Light’ award today (a government award recognising “outstanding volunteers”).

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In a letter to Maureen, the prime minister said he was “lost in admiration for your endurance and determination”.

He added that VJ Day’s 75th anniversary on Saturday reminds the nation “of everything your generation achieved to bring peace”.

Maureen said in a statement: “I was absolutely amazed when told about this award; it feels like everyone is talking about someone else.”

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