NI minister self-isolating after family member tests positive for COVID-19

Department For Communities

Minister Caral N’ Chuil’nDepartment For Communities

Minister Caral N’ Chuil’n
Department For Communities Minister Caral N’ Chuil’n
Another Sinn Fein MLA has revealed they are self-isolating after members of her family tested positive for Covid-19.

It has been revealed on social meddia that Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín is self-isolating after members of her family tested positive for Covid-19.

In a post she said she will be isolating for the next two weeks and working remotely at home.

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In a statement on Twitter Minister Ní Chuilín said: “I have written to the Speaker advising him that due to close family members testing positive for Covid-19 and will be isolating for 14 days.

“I will be working remotely at home and fulfilling my responsibilities.”

Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill tested negative for coronavirus yesterday.

However Minister O’Neill will continue to self-isolate and work remotely after a family member was diagnosed, a spokeswoman said.

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