‘Dedicated public servant’ Bob Mulligan has passed away in Co Tyrone

Robert (Bob) MulliganRobert (Bob) Mulligan
Robert (Bob) Mulligan
First Minister Arlene Foster has led tributes to a former long-serving unionist councillor who has died following a period of illness.

Bob Mulligan from Augher was a former mayor of Dungannon and South Tyrone Council as well as holding a number of other senior posts.

The Ulster Unionist councillor also served on the Mid Ulster District council from the reformation of local government in 2014 until 2019.

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He passed away on Thursday at his home on Augher’s Glenhoy Road.

Mrs Foster described Mr Mulligan as “a loyal Ulsterman and dedicated public servant”.

The DUP leader said: “I remember Bob from my days as a young member of the UUP in Fermanagh & South Tyrone.

“We were running mates in the 2003 Assembly election and he always made time to speak when our paths crossed.

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“I express my deepest sympathy and that of my colleagues in the constituency, to the Mulligan family and his wide circle of friends.”

Clogher Valley DUP councillor Wills Robinson said: “Bob and I grew up together in Glenhoy Presbyterian, we were members of the same lodge in Glenageeragh LOL 908 and we had the privilege of serving our neighbours together in the same council.

“In all dealings with Bob, he was a gentleman who believed in hard work and dedication to any role he took on. I extend my sympathy to Eleanor, the children and grandchildren as well as the wider Mulligan family.

“Bob was a good neighbour and friend who will certainly be missed.”

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Also paying tribute to her party colleague, DUP councillor Frances Burton said: “I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of my former UUP colleague for the Clogher Valley area.

“We worked very well together and I could depend on his support for projects that we both wanted to progress and deliver for the area we served.

“Bob made me feel welcome and always treated me with respect following my election in 2005 to Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council.”

DUP Dungannon councillor Kim Ashton has also praised Mr Mulligan.

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She said: “Not only was Robert a well respected Council colleague but he was also a close neighbour and the news of his passing is very sad. We all want to extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Eleanor, sons, daughters, grandchildren and all the family circle at this very difficult time.”

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