Orange Order condemn security alert at Whiterock Orange hall

Security alertSecurity alert
Security alert
The County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast has condemned those responsible for placing a device discovered in the grounds of Whiterock Orange hall.

County Master Spencer Beattie accused the perpetrators of attempting to “intimidate” the local lodge and heighten tensions in the run up to the July period.

He said: “Lodge members feel extremely hurt to be targeted in such a malicious fashion. They have been through all of this before with the hall being attacked on several previous occasions. We hoped such terror attacks were wedded to the past. Regrettably, it would seem there remains a minority intent on causing fear and division.”

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Mr Beattie praised the actions of the security services for dealing with the alert in a professional and efficient manner, ensuring the safety of the wider community.

Security alertSecurity alert
Security alert

The County Master added: “This attack while aimed at the Orange Institution, caused inconvenience and posed a danger to all communities. I would urge members of the public, who witnessed anything suspicious, to contact police immediately.”

The subsequent security alert brought widespread disruption to the area.

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