Two-faced SF have a military wing

Sinn Fein leader at Stormont Michelle ONeill addresses a crowd at Clonoe Church in Coalisland to mark the 25th anniversary of the death of four IRA men at the hands of the SAS. 
Picture by: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker PressSinn Fein leader at Stormont Michelle ONeill addresses a crowd at Clonoe Church in Coalisland to mark the 25th anniversary of the death of four IRA men at the hands of the SAS. 
Picture by: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press
Sinn Fein leader at Stormont Michelle ONeill addresses a crowd at Clonoe Church in Coalisland to mark the 25th anniversary of the death of four IRA men at the hands of the SAS. Picture by: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press
Sinn Féin continue to show their true colours by their ongoing homages and homilies to republican paramilitaries.

They are playing a two-handed game and expecting it to be overlooked and countenanced.

Sinn Féin’s denouncements and denials that the IRA are separate from them is not credible and insult to the intelligence of the general public. By turning up at numerous gatherings to ally themselves to the IRA dead, Sinn Féin bring grave doubt into people’s minds about their legitimacy.

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They perpetuate the idea that the IRA have most certainly not gone away and are part and parcel of Sinn Féin. No one could doubt that Sinn Féin have a military wing, given their many paramilitary homely blessings, yet they appear in democratic institutions when power-sharing?

Sinn Féin are a two-faced organisation. They play to the public, but play their own hypocritical games behind the scenes and give themselves away by offering glorious and extolling tributes to paramilitaries.

Sinn Féin are all smoke and mirrors when the cameras are on, but there are clues to their true nature. They are masters at false rhetoric and propaganda, such casting their paramilitary dead as martyrs and victims to negate any criticism.

They are trying to brainwash the public into believing they are something they are not, while those who are more observant can see the wood from the trees. Sinn Féin also benefit from a dumbed-down Republic, who would otherwise get far more criticism than they currently do.

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The Irish national broadcaster RTÉ is slow and reluctant in reporting events which cast Sinn Féin in a bad light, when there are links to paramilitaries, because of the so-called peace process. They have also built up an impressive arsenal of defence postures when the heat is on by diverting public attention.

The pinning-down of Arlene Foster and their flat refusal to budge until she “is cleared” for the RHI scandal is amazing.

It could not be said that Sinn Féin are cleared for the many allegations against them, which they are only too happy to quickly brush aside! Sinn Féin will never change who they are. They are as committed to the past and their martyr-victims, who were paramilitaries, as they are to getting the British out.

The game is still the same and Sinn Féin are still the same — IRA and all. Sinn Féin are the political wing of the IRA, which is accepted as fact by the vast majority of people anywhere.

Their paramilitary wing deal in death, destruction, and conflict, despite the lip service, lip gloss, martyrdom, empty rhetoric and apologetic craftsmanship.

Maurice Fitzgerald, Co Cork