There is no proof we want Stormont, as Arlene Foster claims we do

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Arlene Foster says the people of Northern Ireland want devolution. There is no proof that is true.

Certainly not devolution at the price of an Irish language act or the petition of concern.

The truth of course is that the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) is undemocratic and a total failure.

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The unionist electorate want mandatory power sharing ended. As Owen Paterson, the former secretary of state said, there needs to be changes. The GFA is part of the scheme for a united Ireland.

Unionists who want to stay British need to ditch this democratic monstrosity now. No surrender was the call of Sir Edward Carson and it should be the call of every true unionist.

The interference of Simon Coveney at Stormont without a murmur from any in the DUP is disgraceful.

Also for Mrs Foster to lead unionists at Stormont is unacceptable, given her disastrous decision to accept regulatory alignment.

Terri Jackson, Bangor