The message is clear: enjoy the Twelfth this year, but stick to the Covid advice and celebrate from home

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
The message from across unionism and across the loyal orders could not be clearer.

Enjoy the Twelfth. Celebrate the Battle of the Boyne 330 years ago, when absolute monarchy was defeated, a key event in the shape that democracy took as it began to spread in Europe.

But do not breach the clear guidance on Covid-19 and public gatherings. The DUP and Ulster Unionists have said this, as well as the Orange Order, the Royal Black, Jim Allister and others. In fact decisive leadership was shown months ago when the traditional Twelfth was called off.

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The temptation to breach the health guidance will be great. People want to celebrate after months of lockdown, which is easing in many nations. The virus is in retreat in a way that it is not in parts of north America.

But outbreaks of Covid are flaring up in places that thought they were on top of it. Crowds of people are a risk.

The disgraceful IRA funeral in west Belfast last week, facilitated by the PSNI and Belfast City Council and seemingly helped by Stormont in the quiet changing of advice (in an apparent attempt to make that defiant republican mass gathering look less bad) has caused anger among ordinary people who did not get special treatment to attend funerals.

Unionists have an extra layer of frustration, knowing that they would be hounded for much less.

But terrorists behave like terrorists.

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As Mervyn Gibson says, the Twelfth is coming to people’s homes this year, and if yours is not among them then there is Radio Boyne and online coverage too.

Staying safe is the moral thing to do, and that is most important in a pandemic.

Tactically it is also the wise thing.

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