The Irish Sea border was agreed with EU under duress and now must be overhauled

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial of Saturday November 6 2021:

The mood between the UK and EU has waxed and waned in recent months.

Only a month ago there was speculation that the two would reach a deal over the Northern Ireland Protocol. Now it seems that the government really is going to invoke Article 16 of the protocol to suspend the Irish Sea border.

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There is so much to criticise about the conduct first of Theresa May’s government, which created the problem by accepting without question the nationalist Ireland assessment of what was needed vis a vis Northern Ireland post Brexit, and also that of Boris Johnson.He talked tough until be became PM, thent breezily agreed with Leo Varadkar a protocol that he seemed not to understand.

In fairness though to the government, it has changed its approach since the scale of the protocol problem became clear. Lord Frost has acted as robustly as he speaks.

This is welcome. It is to be hoped that London maintains this position, despite the bellicose talk from Brussels and the recent warning about British-Irish relations from Micheal Martin if Art 16 is triggered. Those relations were already strained due to relentless nationalism from Dublin, over matters including legacy. Mr Martin is not to blame for that in the way that Mr Varadkar and Simon Coveney but his predecessors have put him in no position.

The protocol was agreed under duress, and must be overhauled, regardless of EU threats.

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