Sammy Wilson right to raise questions over face masks

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
Sammy Wilson has never been a politician shy of speaking his mind and his statement released to the media yesterday afternoon on the wearing of face masks in shops raises some pertinent questions.

The East Antrim MP boldly declared that if the Stormont Executive, as early as later this week, decides to make the wearing of face masks mandatory in shops it will have economic consequences for our already struggling city and town centres.

In effect, Mr Wilson is declaring that many people could be put off shopping if they are forced to wear a mask. How he has come to such a confident declaration is unclear, but particularly amongst men, there has been a reluctance to wear face masks.

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There has undoubtedly been an increase in people here wearing masks as the coronavirus pandemic has progressed, but they remain in a minority by quite a distance. Many feel uncomfortable wearing them for any length of time. However, there are those, especially with underlying health conditions, who feel more secure while shopping with a mask.

The scientific argument in favour of making masks compulsory in shops remains unconvincing though. In the early months of the pandemic, we were told by this country’s health experts (and indeed the World Health Organisation) that there was next to no chance of contracting the virus if we were merely walking past another person, either inside or in the fresh air. Indeed, we have seen the number of new Covid-19 cases in Northern Ireland fall significantly, and this was during a period when very few people were wearing masks in shops.

Mr Wilson rightly points that there has also been no upsurge in coronavirus cases amongst retail staff during this period.

This could well be a battle Mr Wilson will lose though. Predictably, Sinn Fein is advocating making masks compulsory in all shops. The Executive should think carefully before taking such a step.