Morning View: Truss’s fate was sealed by disaster of mini-budget

Morning ViewMorning View
Morning View
Liz Truss has been much mocked but the outgoing prime minister had many defenders, some of them astute politicians who said that she was far more steely and sharp than her wooden delivery suggested.

There were times, including on occasion when asked about the Northern Ireland Protocol, that Ms Truss seemed both robust and highly informed in her position with regard to the Irish Sea border.

Sadly, we will never know whether her potential would have gone on to achieve great things in politics because of her disastrous mini-budget last month.

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While her then chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng drew up and presented the fiscal statement, it would never have been delivered without the PM's approval.

The statement was disastrous not because of its ideology or its underlying goals but because it showed a misunderstanding of UK constraints on the government's power, particularly an administration navigating the aftermath of a pandemic.

Ms Truss then had to undergo a series of U-turns that resulted in her entire economic strategy being orientated away from its essence. This made her look cowardly and unprincipled and incompetent.

The shambles was such her survival was almost impossible.

But the entire reputation of the UK as one of the most stable societies on earth, and one which has an impeccable credit rating, has been shattered.

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And while Britain's image overseas has taken a battering, its internal opponents are hoping that the saga has hastened a split-up of the Union.

Now the government has little, if any, spare capacity to concentrate on the ruinous protocol, and Ms Truss's successor might not even have an inclination to do so.

Let's hope the new PM is so inclined. If not the UK could be in ever deepening trouble.