Matt Hancock should quit or be sacked after Covid breach

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
This is the News Letter editorial of Saturday, June 26.

In government press conferences and other media appearances for the duration of the pandemic, Mr Hancock has continued to lecture the British over social distancing

And it was in May last year, at the height of the first lockdown, when Mr Hancock commented on the resignation of Professor Neil Ferguson, a government health advisor and strongly proponent of lockdown, after the scientist was found to have broken the regulations by meeting his married lover. Mr Hancock described Mr Ferguson’s behaviour as “extraordinary”, said he had been right to resign and said social distancing laws “are there for everyone and are deadly serious”.

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Little more than a year on and now the shoe is on the other foot, with Mr Hancock shown on CCTV apparently kissing his aide Gina Coladangelo on May 6 in contravention of Covid rules.

Mr Hancock is apparently determined to keep his job and is said to have the support of the prime minister Boris Johnson It would be extraordinary if he was to survive.

There is surely no logic for retaining Mr Hancock in post. He has been a chief cheerleader for restrictions and now it’s clear that he has blatantly broken them himself.