Would people be as quick to silence gay fears at university, as they are with Protestants?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I wonder how many of the people dismissing Unionist concerns about Queen’s would be so quick to dismiss people who complained if “gays out” posters appeared at the Fresher’s fair.

What would they say if a member of the society which displayed the said posters went on to be elected president of the student’s union?

Imagine if the president-elect was found to have expressed support for people who killed homosexuals for no other reason than they were homosexuals on social media.

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One suspects that if similar concerns had been raised by any minority other than Protestants there would be an deafening outcry from the very people who are so anxious to tell us move on, nothing to see here at the moment.

Why is the Provisional IRA different from other terrorists?

Were Kingsmill, La Mon, Enniskillen and Bloody Friday examples of acceptable violence?

It would seem so.

Mind you, let terrorist prisoners out of jail as part of a political deal and perverted democracy so that the IRA’s political wing has a place in government as of right for ever – perhaps we should have seen this coming?

Samuel Morrison, TUV, Dromore Co Down

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