Workers Party: An EU army will lead to foreign intervention in other countries

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Lily Kerr:

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has called on the EU to develop its own military capabilities – an EU Army.

The issue has been around for some time but now there is increasing pressure for a formal military structure. Not that it was mentioned much by the Remain lobby during the referendum debate.

They were obviously keen to avoid the subject.

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All the evidence points to the EU wanting to extend its power and influence and formalise its empire. An EU flag, an anthem, a common currency and the final piece of the jigsaw an army of its own.

An EU army will, unquestionably, lead to interventions in other countries.

The justifications will be based on ‘humanitarian’ grounds or bringing an end to ‘tyranny’, but the reality is that it will be about extending the EU’s influence and its markets.

The grimmer reality is that hundreds, if not thousands, of young working-class men and women from across the continent will be used as commercial cannon fodder and that the peoples of countries subjected to “intervention” will be the victims of the devastation, horror and destruction of war One other thing is certain – Ursula van der Leyen will not be in the firing line.

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The prospect of an EU army raises very serious questions for the Republic of Ireland and its record on neutrality.

What kind of pressure will the EU Commission bring to bear on the Republic of Ireland to join an EU army?

Don’t expect a principled stand from Fine Gael, Fianna Fail or from Sinn Fein, all of whom have shown that they will bend over backwards to curry favour with Brussels.

There will be others who would welcome an EU army.

The armaments industry, its suppliers and associates will profit massively, at public expense, from the formation of such an army let alone from its “interventions”.

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An EU army will have nothing to do with peace, peace keeping or making the world ‘a safer place’.

It will have everything to do with the tensions between the capitalist states, the pursuit of profit and the exploitation of working people to deliver it.

Lily Kerr, Workers Party

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