We have abused our planet and are making it unfit for life

Plastic washed up on a beach in the Pacific. The dumping of plastic in the oceans has choked speciesPlastic washed up on a beach in the Pacific. The dumping of plastic in the oceans has choked species
Plastic washed up on a beach in the Pacific. The dumping of plastic in the oceans has choked species
Since the days of Adam and Eve, our planet Earth, has been subjected to abuse from all breeds of humanity, and it is now fast becoming an unfit place to live in.

Since the days of Adam and Eve, our planet Earth, has been subjected to abuse from all breeds of humanity, and it is now fast becoming an unfit place to live in.

The glaciers are now melting faster than ever recorded, with the oceans having suffered untold abuse from oil tankers (that incidentally, once used to discharge overboard into the oceans, the cleaning of the oil residue from their oil tanks — thankfully is no longer the case).

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The dumping of millions of tons of the dreaded plastic into the oceans has created total horror to all the ocean’s living species, besides choking to death, their flesh has now become contaminated with mercurial poisoning, thankfully this still at a minimum level, and still fit for human consumption.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Our food is now grown aided by man-made chemicals, where the use of organic dung has become just a memory of the past.

The very air we breathe in cities round the globe is so contaminated that it creates untold health issues, in some cases even death, sometimes to the most unfortunate and vulnerable members of every society.

In conclusion, I have not the slightest doubt that people of my era (I was born in the 1930s) had the best years on this earth.

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Today global exploration is in full swing, thus I cannot help but wonder what damage will mankind do to their new toy?

Harry Stephenson, Kircubbin, Co Down

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