We don’t need to be reminded of what republicans plan, we need to know why this mess occurred when you were in power

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from David Barbour:

I feel many in the Pro-UK electorate are past hoping for a major improvement in the collective behaviour of pro-UK parties.

I think the gradual decline in our progress is plainly and simply down to political self-interest, in-fighting to get to the top of the heap, and what seems to be a bid for status and financial security while the majority are despairing.

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Thousands of struggling families and individuals are sent glossy-backed paper reports and visions buried in tonnes of paper while our bureaucracy smothers lively action and positive results.

How come our NHS has the poorest response? Where has our industrial and business base disappeared to? Why have our housing needs not been fully addressed? Who is overseeing the planning of our economy? Our wee Province seems to be on life support as we drag from one crisis to another.

The same Pro-Union leaders had decades to change things for the better but when in power they wasted capital and time.

We don’t need to be reminded of what republicans believe or plan, we need to know why this mess occurred when you were in power and what you have in place to address it.

David Barbour, former UUP councillor, Coleraine

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