We are no longer in a Covid emergency and it is time we started living again

There have now been 700,000 first dose vaccinations in Northern IrelandThere have now been 700,000 first dose vaccinations in Northern Ireland
There have now been 700,000 first dose vaccinations in Northern Ireland
A letter from Dominic Gallagher:

We are no longer in a state of emergency and it is time our public policies reflect that.

There have now been 700,000 first dose vaccinations in Northern Ireland

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There are 108 Covid occupied beds, down from a high of 833 on January 14. There are 14 Covid cases in ICU beds, down from 74 on January 25.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

The timetable of exiting lockdown needs to respond quickly to these developments as Covid no longer justifies the sole focus placed upon it by the government.

The stress placed on a population, particularly the young, who have spent three months in lockdown is no longer sustainable for people’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

A study by the US non profit Sapiens lab found that almost half of 18-24 year olds were at clinical risk of developing mental health disorders.

It is time we started living again.

Dominic Gallagher, Glenavy

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A message from the Editor:

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