Violence is not the answer, for me the answer is politics through the TUV

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Jordan Armstrong:

The deep unease within the unionist community following the fallout from the Bobby Storey funeral is understandable.

It is shared across all of our community and indeed wider.

Violence, however, is not the answer.

Criminal records will blight career prospects for years to come. It is incumbent on those in elected office to take the resolute action necessary to reflect the concerns of their community.

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The first step, obviously, is for unionists to withdraw from the Policing Board until such times as the chief constable is gone. Failure to take any political action will merely feed the vacuum.

I am a proud unionist, ex-serviceman, band member and political activist. When I was very young our car got caught up in a motor bomb launched by the IRA. The ‘justice system’ delivered nothing for us.

Just over two years ago I had to sell my home due to a pipe bomb planted in my garden and a personal threat by dissident republicans.

What did the police say? ‘Just move away from the area, save you any problems!’ and they’ve yet still to find the terrorists!

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I served in the British Army, a tour of Afghanistan, still no military covenant, only ‘assurances!’

The current council area I live in has refused to celebrate the NI centenary because of its bigoted outlook and warped view on the formation of this beloved country.

I also have much to be frustrated about with our current political system, the failure in our political unionist representatives and our PSNI.

However, I will not go out and throw petrol bombs, break the law nor will I destroy the community and country I so dearly love.

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For me the answer was to maintain my membership in a political party, the TUV, which enables me through democratic means to change and fight for all those things I’m frustrated about and what is important to me as a unionist.

Jordan Armstrong, Londonderry

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