Use May election to show our enemies that Irish Sea border can’t be allowed to stay

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from William J Ross:

The pan nationalist front, incorporating the Alliance Party, the Republic of Ireland government and the EU, support the Irish sea border in order to achieve the breakup of the United Kingdom.

Last but not least, we have in the Tory party and the British establishment people like Julian Smith, the former secretary of state, who seems to me to be pro a united Ireland, and also the present occupier of that office Mr Brandon Lewis (a weak appeaser).

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Now to the Ulster Unionist Party, led by Mr Doug Beattie, is he for unionist unity?

I do not belong to any party, I could have issues with all of them, but the Union must be maintained.

This is a warning to people who cherish their place in the UK. Treat May’s coming election to show our enemies that the obnoxious sea border cannot be allowed to operate between Northern Ireland/Great Britain.

William J Ross, Ballyclare

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