Unionists must challenge the DUP to back the invoking of Article 16 to stop the Irish Sea border

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from David McNarry:

Thankfully and not for the first time the News Letter points a way forward for unionism (Morning View, ‘Unionists have good reason to call for Article 16 to be invoked,’ January 7).

The editorial presents a call to action which resonates with an emerging pro-Union consensus agreeing that Article 16 must be invoked to mitigate the damage already being done by the NI Protocol. The call cannot go unheeded.

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Unionists as a coherent united team have a duty to take on the government on this issue .

Together unionists must move swiftly to put into motion the solid reasons detailed in Morning View for using Article 16.

They must challenge the DUP leadership to apply forceful pressure on the Tory government and bring that leadership to the table in formulating a rejection process.

Our weakened economic base cannot be allowed to suffer the consequences of the NI Protocol in order to placate the now obvious unfriendliness of Dublin and Brussels.

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Nor is it right that the Northern Ireland consumer is subjected to shortages, price rises and companies refusing to service the NI market.

Unionism may not be expert at taking radical steps.

They must awaken to acknowledging that they have no choice in the matter. The situation demands that unionism adopts practical radicalism, otherwise the current state of ‘dire straits’ will get worse.

David McNarry, Ex UUP and Ukip MLA, Comber

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