The system of mandatory coalition lets anarchists and wreckers have a seat in Northern Ireland government as of right

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Ken McFarland:

If the current health emergency has taught the people of Northern Ireland anything, it is that ‘when the going gets tough’, not all ‘the tough get going’.

Like most, there have been times when I have been exacerbated by some of the measures implemented, however again like most, I did not feel the need to publicly flaunt the recommendations and in effect stick two fingers up at the law.

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While it is a well-worn cliché to say that ‘we are all in this together’, it is nonetheless true that far from at least trying to pull together as a community, there were those who continually followed their own selfish agenda and in effect declared that as far as they were concerned, the remainder of the community could ;go hang’.

Therefore to those habitual disrespecters of the law, primarily from within Irish republicanism, I say; “if the cap fits, wear it”.

As a consequence however, there is another lesson to be drawn from the current health pandemic, and it is that there are those who are simply unfit for political office in a civilised society, particularly I say again, a society which needs to pull together in times of crisis, whether health, economic or a conflict related.

To that end, I would call on all right thinking political representatives to come together and bring an end to our system of mandatory coalition where anarchists and wreckers have a seat in government as of right.

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Surely the events of the past year must have brought home to even the most blinkered supporter of our peace process, that there are those who have been given every chance, time and time again, and yet they continue to sneer in the face of those who would seek to make this a better place for everyone.

Ken McFarland, Omagh

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