The EU is exploiting the Northern Ireland Protocol to weaken the UK and punish its secession

EU flags outside the Berlaymont building, HQ of the European Commission. Brussels is determined to subject us to its legislation without representation; to break up the UK internal market; and to undermine the principle of consent of the 1998 AgreementEU flags outside the Berlaymont building, HQ of the European Commission. Brussels is determined to subject us to its legislation without representation; to break up the UK internal market; and to undermine the principle of consent of the 1998 Agreement
EU flags outside the Berlaymont building, HQ of the European Commission. Brussels is determined to subject us to its legislation without representation; to break up the UK internal market; and to undermine the principle of consent of the 1998 Agreement
A letter from Dr WB Smith:

Sam McBride has identified a serious threat to the Union as the UK and EU carry forward their argument over Brexit (‘NI is now a proxy battleground for two large blocs,’ March 6, see link below).

The EU leadership are engaged in building a European superstate, primarily to serve the interests of Germany and France. We are a pawn in their game.

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Until January, an innocent observer might reasonably have hoped that the EU would operate the protocol in good faith, safeguarding their supposedly world-class standards with a light touch.

Some saw business opportunities in our new hybrid status; others trusted Boris to correct any practical difficulties.

It is now clear to all but the wilfully obtuse that the EU is exploiting the protocol to weaken the UK and punish its secession.

Brussels is determined to subject us to its legislation and taxation without representation; to break up the UK internal market; and to undermine the principle of consent which is at the core of the 1998 Agreement.

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The leaders of all three unionist parties at last accept this, and I welcome their decision to request a judicial review.

When London meekly extends some grace periods, Brussels fights back furiously, with Dublin and our own anti-British parties yapping their approval.

They all deny what is obvious, that the protocol has constitutional implications. They assert that if there is a problem it was caused by Brexit rather than their own obsessional controls — and still more surreal that the solution lies in tighter regulation.

They libel the British government, declaring that the infallible EU will tolerate no challenge to its overlordship.

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We must not allow them to rewrite history as it is being made.

It was the opponents of Brexit who cornered Boris into accepting the protocol.

He could not otherwise have delivered on his manifesto promise to get Brexit done.

It was the EU which demanded border controls.

Merely tinkering with the protocol will never solve the problem.

Dr WB Smith, Belfast BT15

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