The DUP have not lifted a finger against this new economic united Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Richard Ferguson:

When will Edwin Poots and the DUP realise that unionists and loyalists have simply had enough.

Enough of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Enough of the constant pandering to IRA/Sinn Fein.

Enough of the Belfast Agreement.

Enough of two tier policing.

Enough of being treated as second class citizens in the United Kingdom.

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Enough of the belligerence of Simon Coveney and the European Union.

Enough of the sanctimonious arrogance and disrespect of the Alliance Party.

Is Mr Poots oblivious to the seriousness of the situation facing unionism in Ulster?

Or is he going to continue to sit with his head in the sand hoping it will all go away.

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The reality is Northern Ireland is now in an economic united Ireland, we have been realigned away from the UK and siphoned off as an EU/Irish colony awaiting eventual unification.

The reality also is that the DUP have not so much as lifted a finger to oppose this.

Indeed rather than standing up for Ulster Mr Poots prefers to flirt with the Irish government at North-South meetings, he prefers to build the infrastructure that divides us from the rest of the United Kingdom and he prefers to give Sinn Fein an Irish language act which they will use to further antagonise loyalism.

The DUP cannot be depended upon to represent our interests.

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I call upon Mr Poots and all of his MLA colleagues to resign immediately and allow Jim Allister and those like him to take the necessary action to resist the protocol, to stand up to Sinn Fein and to make it clear that unionists will not meekly accept the process of being eased into a united Ireland.

This is the best service Mr Poots and the DUP could do for Northern Ireland.

Richard Ferguson, Dollingstown

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