Stormont MLAs reject the worrying trend of eugenic abortion

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Dawn McAvoy:

On Monday a majority (48 to 12) in the Northern Ireland Assembly rejected prenatal disability discrimination, by choosing to support the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment Bill).

The worrying trend of eugenic abortion authorised by Westminster and imposed upon Northern Ireland has been denied by our own elected representatives. The bill now proceeds to committee stage.

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We are thankful to Paul Givan MLA for introducing this bill and to all those who voted in support of it.

We applaud Heidi Crowter and all those living with disability who have spoken with such courage. They have shown us the clear connection between prenatal and postnatal disability discrimination. They heard clearly that Stormont believes their lives are equally deserving of protection in law.

All the personal stories of individuals shared in the chamber by MLAs Paul Givan, Pam Cameron, Rosemary Barton, Sinead Bradley and Joanne Bunting, to name a few, remind us that it was human life that was voted for on Monday. These are indeed babies, not risks and not diagnoses. As such they should be respected and regarded as equally valued members of our society, pre and post birth.

We urge those who voted for the bill not to stop here, and to pursue the implementation of better care and support services for women, unborn children and all those living with disabilities. Able bodied and disabled. Planned and unplanned. Wanted and unwanted. Both lives will always matter.

Dawn McAvoy, Both Lives Matter co-founder

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A message from the Editor:

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