Stormont corrupted by its decision to let terrorists be appointed to public bodies

The Belfast Agreement has been a disaster for the UnionThe Belfast Agreement has been a disaster for the Union
The Belfast Agreement has been a disaster for the Union
A letter from Norman Boyd:

The shameful decision this week in the Northern Ireland Assembly that unrepentant IRA terrorists who are guilty of the heinous acts of murder and bombing as well as those guilty of serious crimes such as rape and child abuse can be appointed to public bodies such as the Policing Board and the Education Authority is a direct result of the Belfast Agreement and its political structures.

There is no end to this corruption of democracy and the rule of law and follows on from the destruction of the highly proficient and much respected Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross, the early release of terrorist prisoners, immunity from prosecution through On The Run letters for IRA suspects and the proposed amnesty for IRA terrorists.

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Innocent victims of IRA terrorism are forgotten and are continually denied justice while the perpetrators of such acts are elevated to public office.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Regrettably this was facilitated by the Alliance Party, Green Party and People Before Profit joining with the SDLP and Sinn Fein to defeat the Bill which would have prevented this affront to public decency, morality and the rule of law.

It is particularly nauseating that the Alliance Party who hold the position of Minister for Justice should help elevate victim makers to such public positions.

Such appeasement of terrorism and the corruption of the rule of law will continue under the current political structures until unionists in the DUP and UUP resign from the Executive and do not return under mandatory coalition.

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The iniquitous Belfast Agreement has been a disaster for the Union and the vast majority of grassroots unionists are calling for this sham for democracy to be brought to end without any further posturing or delay.

Norman Boyd, Anti Agreement Unionist, former MLA

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