Spats within unionist political parties are in no way a new thing

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
The DUP leadership spat in Stormont reported in our News Letter this week is ‘old hat’ to unionism.

(Read more: ‘Arlene Foster warned DUP MLAs not to rebel — but weakened DUP leader now is not disciplining them,’ July 30)

In my time the Ulster Unionist Party was a rowdy ship with members opposing a leader from within and DUP opposing from without.

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Even the ‘Big Man,’ who was a very powerful figure, was replaced when some of us believed he had his top position well secured for a long time.

Remember David Trimble: requiring ‘Manufactured Unionists’ so he could become first minister.

No surprises then, that Arlene Foster who I think is a determined person, was opposed by DUP MLAs over her controversial shared leadership bill on ministerial powers. It is reported she warned against opposition.

Whether true or false, I think the senior DUP MPs were right to advise on taking a break to take stock. Wearing a blindfold to follow a leader no matter what is not good unless we all know the implications.

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I assure you some steady, mature, kindly, folk were confused and wondered why our first minister was reported as driving this bill through.

Don’t take the expressions of a has-been local councillor. Let the people speak through an appropriate survey to assess what they think we need to make a success of Northern Ireland.

David Barbour, former UUP councillor, Coleraine

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