Prime minister risks becoming PM of ‘Little England’

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Freda Woods:

There is now a second virus sweeping across Northern Ireland called ‘The Protocol Virus’ with no vaccine in sight!

The UK prime minister had the good foresight to order early enough vaccine to counter the Covid pandemic well ahead of the EU.

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The protocol was an invention by a grossly over-bloated bureaucracy, an overwhelming weight which will eventually be the downfall of the EU, leading to other member states scrambling for the exit.

It is now time for Boris Johnson to invoke Article 16 without delay. The PM must eradicate this noxious protocol or he will end up being prime minister of ‘Little England’ – if the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon gets her way.

Freda E Woods, Bangor

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