Police facilitated a terrorist funeral in breach of rules

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Tom Nash:

On Tuesday we had were given what seemed to me like a perfect example of police collusion when we learned that the PSNI fully facilitated the funeral of a terrorist, in clear breach of all Covid regulations.

It is clear that the PSNI, which is led by a weak chief constable, were aware of the illegal wake.

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It is clear that they knew in advance that the terrorist’s coffin would be taken to Milltown, where a Glorification of Terrorism fest, led by top republicans, would take place.

They most certainly knew that huge crowds would attend this funeral after the public invite by Sinn Fein.

Our justice minister Naomi Long must, without any equivocation, urgently task the Inspectorate of Constabulary to investigate who exactly the PSNI met from PSF/PIRA to ‘facilitate’ this illegal action!

Were those they met members of the PIRA Army Council or former terrorists who, if further evidence surfaces, might be charged with murders and bombings?

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It is crucial that we have answers to this otherwise our faith in policing and the justice system is lost.

We are constantly told that our fragile peace process must be protected at all costs and it seems that the only way to do this is to appease Sinn Fein.

The chief constable is well aware that on the mainland Glorification of Terrorism is an offence under the 2015 Terrorism Act.

I, and people across Northern Ireland, believe that the funeral of Terrorist Storey was glorification of terrorism and instead of facilitating it the chief constable should be lobbying the justice minister and the secretary of stateBrandon Lewis to extend that act to cover Northern Ireland.

Tom Nash, Derriaghy

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A message from the Editor:

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