Participation of Sinn Fein leader at event praising IRA poses questions for DUP

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Cliff Cardwell:

Michelle O’Neill’s recent participation in a memorial ceremony for three IRA terrorists again raises a major issue for the DUP (‘O’Neill entagled in GAA-IRA controversy,’ February 22).

There is little point in the party threatening action if Ms O’Neill should qualify for the office of first minister after May’s election.

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The DUP has accepted her in government as the deputy first minister which is equal to the position of first minister in every respect other than title so it makes little sense to hang everything on the word ‘deputy’.

A more important consideration is Sinn Féin’s attitude to the ongoing celebration of those who in a perverse way deemed murder an acceptable political tactic, boasting a ballot box in one hand and an assault rifle in the other.

Of equal significance is the DUP’s complacency in allowing Sinn Fein a position of power in the life of our province.

Attendance at celebrations of atrocities can hardly be held compatible with the St Andrew’s Agreement which committed all signatories to condemnation of political violence.

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As one who claims daily to be ‘very clear’, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson remains silent on the matter of terrorist supporters in government.

If anything, he seems quite happy as long as the current arrangement provides jobs for his team.

Gone are the days when politicians put country before party and self.

Cliff Cardwell, Co Londonderry

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