Nationalist MLAs do well out of Northern Ireland, so should celebrate its centenary

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
As the build up to the centenary anniversary of Northern Ireland gets under way, we can expect to hear many nationalist politicians in this jurisdiction opine about partition being nothing to celebrate.

This is a rather curious position to adopt. Many, if not all, of the elected representatives of a nationalist persuasion seem to benefit from its existence. 

In addition to the allowances they receive, a typical MLA earns £51,000 a year to help govern the northern state on behalf of the British Crown.

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If they hold a ministerial position they earn £89,000 and avail of a chauffeur driven ministerial car. 

The current speaker, a republican, also draws a similar amount for his position. The top position of first minister/ deputy first minister earns £123,000 which is not far behind the prime minister.

A cursory glance at the profile of many of the nationalist MLAs suggests they would struggle to command a similar remuneration package working in the private sector. 

Nice work if you can get it.

Instead of posturing about its alleged failures, nationalist politicians ought to be front and centre leading the celebrations next year.

Adrian Lonergan, Belfast 

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